1978 Mike Sweeney joins Sonoma County affinity group of the Abalone Alliance.
1979 Judi Bari marries Mike, moves to Sonoma County. Joins affinity group.
November 1980 A mysterious fire destroys buildings at the old Naval base in south Santa Rosa that almost kills the caretaker. Mike Sweeney who lived near the base had become a leader in the fight against expansion of the base. The owners suspect Mike of setting the fire but cannot come up with proof. Judi tells people later of Mike's involvement. Charges are never pursued.
Early 1980's Close friends of Judi's are told of the physical abuse in Judi's marriage. Mary (and others) offer shelter to her and the girls.
December 1988 Photo taken at Bridgewood Motel of Judi as S.L.A. Tanya w/Uzi by Darryl Cherney, Pam Davis, Irv Sutley and Judi Bari. It was intended to be used for an album cover with Judi and Darryl's music called THEY DON'T MAKE HIPPIES LIKE THEY USED TO. The gun was supplied by Irv but all four were excited by the idea and the picture and Judi bragged about it to her friends who were not present. She thought it very funny.
Early 1989
Irv Sutley sends Tanya photo to the AVA as a joke with Pam Davis asking for photo credit. Bruce prints it in April. All involved think its funny.
Late 80's
Judi has become close friends with Anna Marie Stenberg. Both are in process of divorcing physically abusive husbands & share their stories.
Spring 1989
Pam Davis solicits Irv at Judi's request to kill Mike Sweeney. Irv tells Toni Novak and Elden McFarland. Pam solicits Irv three more times. Irv refuses but keeps this information quiet until 1995. After this comes out Judi admits it on a 5/30/95 KZYX radio interview but says it was only a joke.
ARGUS letter sent to the Ukiah police department accusing Judi of sending pot through the mail and engaging in training in automatic weapons and offering to assist police in exposing her.
April 1990
FBI "Bomb school" course given at College of the Redwoods.
May 24, 1990
Judi and Darryl are bombed and the FBI immediately accuses them of being responsible. Also FBI is on the scene within minutes.
May 29, 1990
LORD'S AVENGER letter sent to Mike Geniella at the SANTA ROSA PRESS DEMOCRAT in Ukiah. It appears to be written by a Christian fascist and gives details of the bomb placed in Judi's car. The writer admits to planting the bomb.
June 6, 1990
ZORO letter sent to Mike Geniella at the PRESS DEMOCRAT and District Attorney Chris Carpenter for Alameda county. It accuses Darryl of being the bomber.
June 9, 1990
Photo of Judi with Uzi appears in the PRESS DEMOCRAT. The article says that a police informant sent a copy of the photo to the Ukiah police chief about one year before the bombing. Judi later accuses Irv of doing this. Irv denies it.
August 14, 1990
At Judi's request Mary organizes the FBI protest in San Francisco which is Judi's first public appearance after the bombing.
May 1991
Steve Talbot's documentary WHO BOMBED JUDI BARI airs on KQED T.V. He puts out several theories including involvement by Irv Sutley, Steve ? who was an independent timber owner, Bill Staley an anti abortion zealot and Mike Sweeney. Judi objects to the part about Mike and makes Talbot put in a tailer at the end saying she does not think her ex would be the bomber. Both Irv and Mike deny the charges in the documentary and Judi has a public fight with Steve Talbot in the press. Ironically it was Judi who first told Steve Talbot about Mike and the Santa Rosa airport bombing.
Spring 1991
In an article in THE PAPER Judi states that the Argus letter was meant to set her up for arrest. She accuses Sutley of writing the Argus letter and conspiring with the FBI to set up the Tanya photo. She is not forthcoming with any evidence to back this up. Irv and friends begin efforts toward mediation which Judi refuses. Pam & Mike also had access to the Tanya pic.
Spring/Summer 1991
Several attempts at mediation occur within the Peace and Freedom party due to fallout of Judi's charges against Irv. Darlene Comingore makes one attempt to bring mediation but is stopped by Judi.
August 1991
Kwazi writes in the SONOMA COUNTY FREE PRESS pleading for the movement not to rush to judgment against any alleged informants and for Judi to stop accusations without proof. He cautions activists to be vigilant in looking out for CoIntelPro type tactics including misinformation campaigns and factions being pitted against one another.
October 1991
Bruce Anderson (who is very close to Judi at this point) begins a series of attacks in the ANDERSON VALLEY ADVERTISER (AVA) on Kwazi Nkrumah. The attacks are racial in nature and have nothing to do with what Kwazi said, did or wore.
Winter 1991
Anderson continues to print articles in the AVA ridiculing Mary, Kwazi and other members of the activist movement. They respond and a year long fight begins. Mary learns from Judi that Bruce has confused Kwazi with another black man (Biko Lamumba from Uhuru House) when they both spoke at the Earth First! rally in Ft. Bragg after the bombing.
Winter 1991
Kwazi meets with Tanya Brannan to discuss a controversial civil disobedience action that was poorly planned by her and others. They argue and Tanya accuses Kwasi of being a male chauvinist and Kwazi accuses Tanya of being a left liberal. Tanya later accuses Kwazi of calling her a "white liberal bitch" which she eventually takes back. This episode ends Mary Moore's long personal relationship with Tanya. (see FREE PRESS-April, 1991)
Winter 1991
Mary sets up a meeting with Judi to meet Kwazi at her home in Willits in hopes of a reconciliation after the Tanya/Kwazi flap. It goes badly and Kwazi yells and Judi cries. Mary stays with Judi for two hours after the argument and Judi shows her the evidence against Irv which is only circumstantial at best. Mary asks Judi to write to Bruce to end the attacks on Kwazi. Judi says she will but never does. This hurts relationship between Judi and Mary although they do stay in touch occasionally by phone. (see FREE PRESS--April, 1991)
February 5, 1992
Bruce Anderson prints a letter by Mary not intended for publication and without her permission about her relationship with Kwazi. Mary suspects that it came to him through Tanya but doesn't know for sure.
April 1992
SONOMA COUNTY FREE PRESS comes out with a special edition called OBSTACLES TO MOVEMENT BUILDING with letters from Mary, Tanya, Judi and Kwazi as well as a lot of reactions to the AVA from northcoast activists.
May 1992
Mary receives an anonymous death threat on her answering machine.
May 1992
Kwazi punches Bruce Anderson at a Peace & Freedom event in Santa Rosa. The PRESS DEMOCRAT writes an article about the altercation with quotes from both Kwazi and Bruce.
March 1993
Judi splits with Bruce Anderson over a sexist cartoon he was going to print in the AVA. She hijacked it on the way to the printer.
Winter 1993/1994
COVERT ACTION QUARTERLY prints an article by Ward Churchill in which he brings up again Judi's charges against Irv Sutley as truth. Mary and Irv send replies which are printed.
May 1994
Mary arranges with Betty Ball for a mediation at the MEC between some of the principals in the split. It looks like a go until at the last minute Judi puts pressure on Betty and the meeting is called off with no explanation.
June 1994
Judi and Bruce Anderson attack Anna Marie Stenberg on Judi's show on KZYX. Anna Marie (another old friend of Judi's) has also split with her over Judi's insistence of her version of who did the bombing.
June/July 1994
The S.C. FREE PRESS once again devotes a lot of space to the ongoing movement split because of recent developments.
July 7, 1994
Bruce Haldane and Annie Esposito write objecting to the FREE PRESS June issue. Mary writes them a long letter explaining yet again the need for mediation and asks them to meet with Irv and others. Later in the summer they agree and a meeting is held at Toni & Elden's house. Anna Marie comes down from Ft. Bragg. Mary and Irv also attend. They remain closed to anything but Judi's version of events.
December 1994
After being urged to do so by friends Irv Sutley takes and passes a polygraph test in Los Angeles with Joseph Paoella. The results are published in the FREE PRESS and elsewhere.
Late 1994
Mary arranges a meeting between Irv Sutley and longtime activists Larry Harper and Woody Schwartz. Both Larry and Woody have believed Judi's charges against Irv but unlike others are willing to listen to Irv's side. Yet another plea for third party mediation is given by Irv and Mary.
January 1995
TIMBER WARS, a collection of Judi's writings is published and the charges against Irv are brought up once again.
May 28, 1995
Bleys Rose writes for the PRESS DEMOCRAT about the split in the activist movement over the Bari/Sutley issue. For the first time Irv comes forth with the 1989 solicitation by Judi to kill Mike and the results of Irv's polygraph test. All hell breaks loose. Judi promises to bring evidence against Irv to a PRESS DEMOCRAT editorial meeting. She changes her mind saying the paper isn't serious. Again there are pleas for Judi to meet with Irv for mediation and again she refuses.
March 1996
Darryl Cherney renews the charges in the NEW SETTLER INTERVIEW about Irv Sutley. Mary and Beth Bosk carry on a correspondence but Beth will not print Irv's side of the story. More pleas for mediation by Mary.
November 2, 1996
Judi announces she has breast cancer. Mary writes her a personal letter of sympathy and asks her to retract her charges for history.
March 2, 1997
Judi dies after the cancer goes to her liver.
March 1997
Mary writes an open letter to Judi about all this. The lessons are there for anyone who cares to look.
February 1999
Ed Gehrman publishes an article in FLATLANDS magazine and the SONOMA COUNTY FREE PRESS after the culmination of three years of research. Along the way he enlists the help of Don Foster, a well recognized scholar and "textual analyst" who picked Mike Sweeney out of seven blind samples of writing sent to him. His analysis is also published along with Ed's article. Bruce Anderson takes a strong position in the AVA challenging Mike. Tanya Brannan, Nick Wilson and Darryl Cherney go ballistic and among other things accuse Mary of "hating Judi" (not true!!!) .The story is ignored by the PRESS DEMOCRAT and most other media outlets. Mary contacts Eric Brazil of the SAN FRANCISCO EXAMINER, who finally writes an article.
March 18, 1999
Mary goes on KSRO's Pat Thurston show after Pat does her homework on all the background of this case. Pat invites both Tanya and Darryl to come on with Mary. Neither return her phone calls but after the show both contact her and object. They say they will go on a future show.
March 1999
Pat Thurston has Bruce Anderson on her show to talk about the Bari case. She again invites Tanya and Darryl. They refuse to go on with Bruce.
May 24, 1999
A coalition of journalists bring a petition to Mendocino District Attorney Norm Vroman asking him to open an investigation into the Bari case due to evidence and suspicion that the bomb was set in Mendocino County.